Learn to Ski Plus
A Tale of the Trails by Karen Clouthier
Sometimes it’s a big leap for beginner skiers from the easy-going terrain of a downtown park to a wilderness ski trail. The Learn to Ski Course Plus was designed to lessen the leap, make it less intimidating and expand one’s cross-country skiing horizons. Picking up tips to handle more challenging terrain and building confidence with a bit of guided practice is the key. That’s what Karen discovered when she enrolled in the course. Enjoy her humorously informative story, A Tale of the Trails about Learn to Ski Plus.
Boreal Forest Ski Mushing Tour
Pat’s Ski Mushing Saga by Patricia Saunders
“Several times during the day a voice in my head repeats, ‘This is a bit of heaven,’” Pat extols of her ski mushing trip into Saskatchewan’s boreal forest. She escapes from the stress of work and domestic obligation to luxuriate in a skiing and dog sledding paradise. Being catered to for a weekend is what she really needed. Improving her skiing technique and learning to skijor behind an energetic husky is simply a plus. “To the very busy and overworked this is the best kind of getaway,” she concludes.
On the Trail with Cliff by Ted Leighton
Ted sees the bigger picture in the small world of cross-country skiing and dog sledding. He reflects that our industrial economy is wasting boreal forest traditions and our skijoring trek is a poignant throwback to a bygone era. “We sped along under the crystal sky on plastic skis… pulled by an eager pup whose ancestors pulled the first people across the Bearing Sea, along trails made by the very tracked machines that had all but made her race extinct.”
New Year’s Ski Party in the Porcupine Forest
(the following stories relate to ski tours that took place prior to Sawyer Lake Lodge closing in 2009)

Inaugural New Year’s Ski Party 2000 revelers skiing by a pioneer farmstead at Sawyer Lake. Kathy, Lida and Bruce in the foreground.
New Year’s Celebration at Sawyer Lake Lodge by Kimberly Epp
Skijoring has its historical roots in Scandinavia, but you can experience it in Saskatchewan at Sawyer Lake Ecolodge. Getting towed on skis by a horse or dog team adds a bit of flare to cross-country skiing. But it was more flare than Kim had anticipated. Read her tale of face plants in the powder, dog sledding, horse-drawn sleigh rides, champagne and hugs on a New Year’s Eve celebration in the boreal forest.
Bringing in the New Year 2003 by Bruce Noton
“This well trained horse was amazing. It geed and hawed, stepped over logs, between logs, between trees, and never stumbled or missed a step.” Bruce is truly impressed with Dave Weiman’s demo of horse logging amongst a host of activities he and his wife enjoyed during their time at Sawyer Lake. “It had been the most unique New Year’s Eve holiday Hilda and I had ever experienced and one of the most enjoyable,” he concludes.