Loon Magic Canoe Trip – Prince Albert National Park

Trip Overview

Common loon with chicks in Prince Albert National Park

Common Loon with chicks in Prince Albert National Park  (©canoeski)

The common loon is the quintessential icon of the Canadian wilderness and this canoe trip celebrates this remarkable waterfowl, revered in Aboriginal legends and acknowledged as one of the oldest living bird species on the planet.

Although continent-wide the breeding habitat of the common loon is diminishing due to acid rain pollution and human encroachment, we still have healthy populations in the boreal forest regions of Canada. One of the reputed high density loon populations exists in Anglin Lake in northern Saskatchewan. The venue of this bird-centred trip includes part of the Spruce River and the quiet part of the lake in Prince Albert National Park. The busy boating and cottage area of the lake is separated from the National Park area by a small narrows and bridge, which helps to keep the Park side relatively quiet and undisturbed, enabling canoeists and loons to enjoy the wilderness more or less unmolested.

The trip starts on the Spruce River at its junction with highway 263 and travels down river through its many twists and turns till reaching Anglin Lake. There are several beaver dams to negotiate on the river trip. An overnight wilderness campsite is established on the lakeshore. Families of loons will usually visit our campsite in the evening or early morning to acknowledge or greet the wingless creatures occupying their territory!

The following day is spent exploring the lake by canoe, photographing and watching for loons and other wildlife. Depending on the weather, the itinerary will allow time for relaxing, swimming and soaking up the wilderness ambience.

Trip Details
Duration: 2 days, 1 night
Scheduled Dates: June 30 – July 1, 2024
Custom departure dates for groups can be arranged.
Geographic Area: Prince Albert National Park, northern Saskatchewan, Canada
Nearest Communities: Anglin Lake and Prince Albert
Paddling Venue: Lake & river flatwater
Adventure Rating: Novice – a modest degree of fitness and agility will enhance your enjoyment of physical activities like canoeing
Minimum Age: Recommend 14 (contact Cliff about younger ages)
Paddling Distance: Approx 25 km (15 mi.) or less
Accommodation: Wilderness camping in storm-proof nylon tents
Price per Person: $535 plus 5% GST

Booking Info


Paddling the Spruce River in Prince Albert National Park

Yvonne from Germany on a tight bend in the Spruce River cattails (Photo: Gunnar Triltzsch)

Day 1 involves early morning departure from the CanoeSki base in Saskatoon via passenger van, travelling north to Prince Albert and on to Anglin Lake to drop our shuttle vehicle. We backtrack via the back roads to highway 263 and the junction of the Spruce River where we launch the canoe trip. We follow the river as it meanders its way down to Anglin Lake, stopping to pull over several beaver dams en route. Evening camp is established on the lakeshore. Weather permitting an evening paddle can be taken to watch and listen for loons in the vicinity of the campsite.

Day 2, we pack up camp and head up the lake stopping for lunch at the Jacobsen Bay picnic area for lunch. Time permitting, we may continue paddling through the narrows to explore the north end of the lake. We return via Jacobsen Bay stopping at the resort for mid-afternoon refreshments. Paddling back to the second narrows bridge brings us to our shuttle vehicle by late afternoon. The shuttle trip involves about an hour to retrieve the van to load canoes and gear. Our return trip to Saskatoon usually takes in a stop for a supper break in Prince Albert, getting us back to the CanoeSki base later in the evening.

Package Includes:

  • Canoeing and safety equipment
  • Storm-proof nylon tents
  • Waterproof packs for personal items & clothing
  • Park entry & camping fees
  • Nutritious meals prepared over an open fire
  • Certified instructor/guide
  • Return transportation by passenger van from Saskatoon

Prices shown in Canadian Dollars; applicable taxes extra
Advance booking required, subject to availability

To book your space on this trip, please see Registration

Packing List, Liability Waiver and Detailed Trip Info – contact Cliff Speer 306-653-5693 or cliff@canoeski.com

Loon Magic Trip Tale

Camping at a First-Class Wilderness Hotel by Ines Pietrock, July 2008

Ines Pietrock

Ines, like most German travellers, values remote and primitive places, which is likely why she signed up her family for the Loon Magic canoe trip in the pristine wilderness of Prince Albert National Park. She was surprised to discover that primitive living can also have elements of a 5-star hotel…>>>

Slide Show from July 2008 Loon Magic Canoe Trip

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